About Us
Hey there! I'm Shawn, and that's my lovely wife, Jenn, looking truly happy about a worm. Lots of you nice folks have contacted us and asked to know a little more about us. We're flattered, kind of surprised, and definitely humbled by those requests. I mean, little ol' us? Really!?
We're happy to share, but before I tell you about us, I want you to know how we feel about you....
We are so grateful you're here. Really and truly grateful.
When you place an order with us, we see your name, we wonder about your gardening adventures, and we feel gratitude toward each and every one of you. We're interested in you too! You, along with all the rest of our customers, are quite literally changing our lives. You're helping us accomplish a dream we've been dreaming for 15 years.
Please know we are grateful for you……..and we cannot possibly thank you enough.
Jenn and I have been married for 16 years. She's better than I deserve. We have four kids. They’re growing up way too fast. They're a blessing, a handful, and our greatest joy. They are our life’s mission and our biggest accomplishment………but also a handful.
We have an English Golden Retriever named Ladybird, two cats, rabbits, a chinchilla, and a little flock of chickens. We live in a small town in southcentral Texas in a home built in 1865. That’s not a typo, it’s 158 years old, it’s on the US National Register of Historic Places, and we’re restoring it while living in it. We’re basically a crazy train headed to the circus!
We invite you to follow along in all our adventures…
On YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/AllAboutTheGarden
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/allaboutthegardenpics/
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/All-About-The-Garden-100675112400959/
We love gardening and we’re big Charles Dowding fans! Fan is an understatement, we’re more like devoted practitioners and students of his methods. If you don’t know about Charles Dowding, he’s the foremost authority on “no-dig” gardening. If you haven’t already, you should follow him on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/c/CharlesDowding1nodig and visit his site, https://charlesdowding.co.uk/
This big adventure started when I saw Charles’ initial video announcing his CD60 trays in December of 2020. I immediately tried to order some but found out they were not available in the US. So, we did something about it! We partnered with Charles Dowding and the UK-based manufacturer of the trays and we started a long process that ended with this website and a new family-owned small business called……..All About The Garden.
Side note: We do get to chat with Charles from time to time and he’s just as kind and genuine in real life as he is on YouTube.
Our next big gardening project is creating a 1/3 acre food forest! If you’re not familiar with the term, it’s basically a high-density area of biodiverse food-bearing perennials…..fruits, berries, nuts, and edible plants of all kinds. We’re also incorporating elements of traditional English cottage gardens so our food forest will be as pretty as it is functional.
So, do follow along with us because it’s going to be fun and hopefully, educational.
The best way to get timely updates about new products is to scroll to the bottom of the page and SIGN UP FOR UPDATES.
We will continue to bring you the best gardening products we can find.
We will only carry products we love and personally use in our own garden.
If you choose to do business with us, we’ll do our very best to take great care of you. If you need help, email us at info@allabouthegarden.com. If you contact us, we’ll do everything we can to get back to you as soon as possible.
If you tell your friends about us, we’d be absolutely honored.
From our family to yours……..Thank you again for supporting us. We are absolutely blown away.
Shawn & Jenn McLoughlin – Co-Owners, All About The Garden

The plan Includes:
- a materials list with links to everything you need to recreate the 5-shelf propagation station we use for our personal garden
- step by step instructions to guide you through the entire build